Saturday, October 9, 2010

First Episode & Update

First episode of I Heart Life has been released two days later than planned due to aspect ratio problems. The first episode is called Hermione and Luna get Butterbeer'd.

What happens when April and Victoria get knocked over the head and locked in a closet? The unexpected filming of I Heart Life's debut episode takes place. I Heart Life is a unique webshow that explores activities from the world around you that may go undetected. Our mission is to find those things and do them! Simple enough!

Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood travel from Hogwarts to a muggle's kitchen to show how to make muggle butterbeer. Hermione gets annoyed with Luna midway through and hijinks ensue when she makes Luna play the Lying Down Game. Luna evens meets a household pet mistaking it for a squirrel.

Next episode will be out in November and we want ideas from our viewers for what we should do! So, comment on the video, send us a message on youtube, or leave a comment on the blog.

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