Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Member Official & Elizabeth Shows her Skills

About the last entry to clarify, we have added a new member named Taylor who will take Lead Vocals with April on future songs. This is the last member we plan to add to the group. Destiny will be heading to Florida on a school internship and Lina is still very busy so that leaves Dez-Air with a three member group. We can do this.

Expect pictures from 2 Different Tears within the next few days. In the meantime, here is a teaser of Victoria learning the rap break in the dance.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


We filmed for 6 and a half hours today for 2 Different Tears. We are mostly done and a new member named Taylor will be in this video. Lina is on a hiatus currently due to school coming up. Watch out for clips the next few days!

Friday, July 16, 2010


Dez-Air members: April, Destiny, and Victoria had a mini photoshoot this week. Lina was not present due to a demanding work schedule. Enjoy these funny pictures, which are also in a Facebook album on our group page by the same name.

Dez-Air Summer 2010 - Artist Pictures

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Peace Sign & Sample Dance

Tears of joy, tears of pain, like sunshine and rain.

We've been working on the railroad all the live-long day.
Dez-Air has got the majority of the dance done and above is a little preview about the status on 2 Different Tears. You can even see Victoria dancing the chorus of the song after a photo shoot April, Destiny, and Victoria were apart of. April is behind the camera this time.

April has begun mixing the song and it sounds mighty catchy. Yummy! <3

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I'd say a majority of 2 Different Tears is recorded. It's just a matter of mixing it together which is pretty time consuming.

Love Story has reached #45 on the Soundclick charts. That's pretty fair, but it's gone pretty far up after it reached that point.

We hope you are enjoying your summer and keep cool! It can get really hot at times!

Oh, we are almost done chereographing the dance for 2 Different Tears. We just need to chereograph the rap part and then can start really teaching it to the other members.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Love Story

Last year, April and Destiny recorded "Love Story" a cover of the Taylor Swift song for fun. In January, they visited California and took lots of photos. Put the two together you get a picture slideshow with a duo cover of a song. Niceness!

Also, Victoria was able to record all of her parts for "2 Different Tears."