The Dez-Air girls have learned up to the first chorus of "Shy Boy" and have finished recording 2/3rd of the song. The only part left to record vocally is the last chorus. The dance is being broken down more slowly to accurately capture the time period of the song and express a more authentic feel to the piece as well. We are moving "Shy Boy'"s release to January of 2012 due to school commitments and work/volunteer duties. Please anticipate the music video for this song within the next six months.
Dez-Air has decided to concentrate less on music videos with the coming year and focus on our respective talents such as dancing and singing. Victoria will be choreographing and sharing some of her own original pieces to songs selected by herself. April and Destiny will do covers of popular American songs. All pieces belonging to Dez-Air will be uploaded onto our channel when they have been completed.
"Oh Honey!" will still be released this month with video editing done by Brittani. "Magic Girl" (Dance Version) will be filmed in September and released in October - November of 2011.
The later years of school are very important and we appreciate your support of us during this time period. We thoroughly enjoy doing things with Dez-Air. It has always been a lot of fun and quite a learning experience as well. We are able to live and grow as artists by working with one another over the last two years as a group.